sunnuntai 27. toukokuuta 2012

Most of us are bitter over someone.

Heej , anteeks kaikki kullat rakkaat etten oo kirjottanu tänne mitää pitkää aikaa ! Mul on täs niinku kerrottavaa mitä mä tein tänää ja eilen, ja sit sellane vähä syvällisempi teoria tonne loppuu, tällane kiva postaus tulos. Yritän tehä mahdollisimman pitkän. Have fun (:

Nii, eilen olin aluks Tommin ja Vänen kaa rannal, ja sit sinne tuli Roosa, Greta, Kaidi, Kate ja yks Eetu. Sit juotii siel jotai lonkkuu ja chillattii huolel (:  pyörittii ostaril , kalapuistos ja virolaisel :D.

Katoin sit Euroviisut illal, vaik en paljoo keskittynykkää. :D Ruotsi vei ja Viro oli kuudes ! Onnee  (: Oon tosi ylpee (:

Sit tänää olin Karrin , Nipan , Tommin ja Vänen kaa vesisotaa , hypittii trampal , syötii jätskii ja trollailtii muute vaa. Ihanan aurinkoinen sää, se et olin litimärkä ja vitun kylmä kala, ei haitannu koska aurinko lämmittää ;) <3 Sit Joonas kyytsäs mua sen mopol vittu tuhatta sataa, se oli hauskaa :> ihmettelen et uskalsin mennä selvinpäi sen kyytii, mut kivaa mul oli silti :D.

Weakness 1) . Even if you don't show them, it doesn't mean you don't have them. You are scared of letting people close to you, cause you've been hurt by someone. You don't let people in, you won't let people to see the real you. Im not going to hurt you, give me a chance, take a risk on me and I can show you that I am different. 

Weakness 2) You are scared of me. You don't know me, you haven't met me, or talked to me. You know a lot about me, but not me. And you are scared, that I might not be the one you think I am. That maybe you don't like me. That would be a little awkward. 

But i am begging you, give it a shot. You'll never know, if you never try. And Im not afraid of meeting you. I am more concerned about you, that maybe you are not going to like me, than about me liking you. I like you already. No need to worry. 
You either give it a shot, or walk away. Cause making me confused is not an option.

Weakness 3) You seem so confident. But the thing is, it's only what it LOOKS like, not what it really is. You are not that confident, you must have something you are not sure about. I want to see through you. I want to be THAT girl. I would love to be your only weakness and only strenght. I guess this weakness was more mine than yours. Because yes, you are my weakness. Totally wrapped around your finger.

I just need to see you, right now, right here.

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