perjantai 25. toukokuuta 2012

Even when I'm a mess, I still put on a vest, with an S on my chest. I am a Superwoman.

I mention you when I say my prayers,
I wrap you around all of my thoughts,
Boy you're my temporary high.

I wish that when I wake up you're there,
To wrap your arms around me for real,
And tell me you'll stay by side.

I'm always trying to find ways to rid myself of you, but you've hidden yourself deep within every bone in my body, every feeling inside my messed up heart and every crazy dream inside my head. 

Cause boy right now, you got me breaking down and I just can't figure out why.

Kello on melkei kolme yöl, meikäläinen taitaa lähteä nukkumaan, en tiiä mitä huomisesta tulee.. 
Scary as shit.

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