tiistai 5. kesäkuuta 2012

The worst things in life come free to us.

" Who will love you ? 
Who will fight? 
Who will fall, far behind? " 

—  Bon Iver

" People, help the people,
and if you're homesick,
give me your hand and i'll hold it,
And if I had the brain,
I'd be cold as a stone and rich as the fool,
that turned all those good hearts away . "

— Birdy

" Joggling with emotions,
Wanna take a shot at me?
I'm the bearded lady at the circus,
Freakish as can be. "

— Ronya 

" Leave me out with the waste,
this is not what I do.
It's the wrong kind of place,
to be thinking of you. "

— Damien Rice

Well, you probably aren't reading this, but if you do, I want you to know this. Im so sorry that I didn't have the time to tell you. I like you. I do. I think you are too good for me.
 I think you are incredible. Unique. Someone special. 

Now I'm thinking, why am I walking away? For no apparent reason? Leaving you wonder why am I doing this? Well that's wrong. I kinda regret that. 

But it's too late for me to back down now. 
Cause.. then you would be like " I told you so. " Again. I can't afford that. 
I had this conversation, couple weeks ago.

" What makes you so sure? That if I would try to walk away, I would come back? " 
and you said; "  Try, you'll see. " 

YEAH, you'll see, I'm not coming back, unless you want me to stay.

Hey, tajusin just äsken etten oo tehny viime päivinä mitään muuta ku blogannu. En oo tehny mitää hyödyllist. That's weird.  Väsyttää ihan sairaasti, kello on melkei kolme? Bloggaan kaikki yöt, ja nukun kaikki päivät. Oisko aika vaihtaa rutiinia?

Kuvailin tänää, jotain hyödyn edistystä`?

Ja sit viel sellane juttu, et uskaltaisinkoha tehä jonku video/äänite postauksen, jos laulan? 
That would be awkward.. mut oon kelannu tehä sellast, mut en tiiä uskallanko :D
any ideas ? 

JAJA sit viel yks juttu, käykää chekkaa tän muijan blogi ;) 

Goodnight my lovers    

2 kommenttia:

  1. Sun blogii on tosi kiva lukee :)Tee vaa se lauluvideo, ois kiva kuulla.Ja muutenki joku videopostaus ois kiva ! :)

    1. aaw , kiitos, kiva kuulla ! Juu kattoo ny :D Pitää vaa miettii et jos teen videopostauksen, mitä puhuisin siinä? Ja jos laulaisin, nii minkä biisin :D

      Mut kiitos mielipiteestä (:
