keskiviikko 11. heinäkuuta 2012

Save me from the nothing I've become.

When will you realize, baby im not like the rest?  I hope that doesn't make me sound like any other girl. But yes, she's very pretty. Im sure you have a lot in common. You like her a lot? That's great.  I like you a lot, too. All the things, we could have had and all that could have happened, but didn't, still hurts. But I will continue on my mission, to find my prince charming ( tho there is a chance, he doesn't exist. ). Im just a little bit sad and disappointed, it wasn't you. Cause you would have been a great one. 

Well maybe there isn't such thing as  ' a prince charming '. Maybe out there, my superman doesn't exist. The only thing i've been waiting for, counting on and believing, is not real.   Somehow, i've been living in this faith, that someone comes along,  picks me up and puts me over his shoulder. I'm a dreamer. Big flaw of mine. But I admit, I love to daydream. For a couple of minutes, i have the life i wish i had and then it hits me, reality. And basically, at the end of the day, you can focus on what's tearing you apart, or what's keeping you together. 

There are 5 kinds of shits,  Im telling the truth.

1) Great Shit!
2) Bullshit!
3) Holy Shit ! 
4) You Won't believe this shit!
5) Who gives a shit?

Njoo, tällast tunnepurkaust toho alkuu, mut meitsi oli just kaupungis , shoppailemas taas (: ja onnistuin tiputtaa mun iphonen vessanpönttöö, mut sit se tuli jo seuraavana päivänä korjauksest joka makso sit yhteensä 23,99 e.  EI PAHA ! :D mut tavallaa pilas tätä mun rahallista tilannettaa. Ja suunnitelmat vähä muuttu, meitsi on lähös 6-14 elokuut Kreikkaa (: En tiiä tarkemmi minne :D 
Mul on kauheen ikävä teit kaikkii ! MERILINII , Nikii, Roosaa, Gretaa, Emppuu, Miskii, Tommii, Töpöhäntää, Karrii, Metsää, Nipaa, Pietaa, Eetuu, Nikkee, Kohii, Lauraa, Idaa, Kaidii, Kristinaa, Joonast, jopa Habaa ja Stubee + paljo muit <3 Jokatapaukses, täs on ny kuvii mun viime päivist (: enkä lataa paljoo, ku oon landeil, kello on puol kaks yöl, ja nää lataa hirmuhitaasti! 

Everything that shines, ain't always gonna be gold.

Ikävä teit rakkaat ! Öit pus !

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