tiistai 21. elokuuta 2012

I am the ringleader of my own circle. This wonderful punishment called life.

Cause it feels so good. It feels like you are part of something. 
You can scream as loud as you can. You can sing your heart out.
They can't hear you. You can't hear yourself.
They hear us. You can hear us.

Smile. Believe it. Be it. 

You can only feel the beat moving through your body. 
You can hear the bass beating in your chest.

You can feel the happiness.

Thank you Guetta & Skrillex (: 

+ Roosa & Greta & Niilo & Tommi . 

Because everything you didn't want, became a part of me.
All the things you asked for, i just could not see.
Everything you are, left a broken heartbeat.

My place, my space,
broken smile on my face.
Take it or leave it,
but i'll keep believing.

- Stella

I think I'll never get completely over. Some parts of me are always stuck with image you standing beside me.Cause when I picture myself happy, it's right there, next to you. I hate the way I don't hate you even a little bit, not even at all. I know we're supposed to let bad things go, we shouldn't hang on them and drag them with us. We think we need those things, cause it's gonna hurt even more to let them go. Disturbing. 

Ah. Now the whole other story. Fucking long story. It kinda never ends. We never end.
It's so .. intimidating, there is this part of me that wants to talk to you and wants to be with you, and apologize. Apologize for the time I wasted. Then there's the other part of me, that protects my heart. I don't want to fall again. TWO SIDES, one is curious and the other one is just scared. 

I never thought I'd say it , but I think love is overrated.

anteeks ku näit tunnepostauksii tulee viime aikoin enemmä ku niit lifestyle postauksii, mut mun mielest toi jälkimmäine on vähä turhaa. Ku ei ketää oikeesti kiinnosta mitä oot tehny ja monelt oot heränny , kenenkaa oot ollu tai mitä tänää tapahtu. Mut mielipideit kehii ny ne jotka lukee :D Ku teen tätä itteni takii mut ois silti kiva tietää mitä ihmiset ajattelee (: 

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